Miserable Muscle Number 4 – The Suboccipitals. The Head Holder Muscles.

Miserable Muscles Number 4 – The Suboccipitals. The Head Holder Muscles.  

What Are the Suboccipital Muscles?

The subocciptal muscles are the four muscles in the upper neck, and two of them are connected to your neck and your skull.  The suboccipital muscles are small but they have a big effect on your headache. They can project a band of pain all the way from the back of your neck and head forward into your eye socket.

What Do the Suboccipital Muscles Do?

They help to tilt your head back to look upwards and help your neck to turn because they are attached to both your head and neck. Therefore, your head would drop forward more easily if your suboccipital muscles were not there to control the movement.

How Do My Suboccipital Muscles Get Hurt?

You usually will damage your suboccipital muscles in a whiplash injury if you have suffered a car accident. As a result, many of you can date your headache troubles from the time of your car accident.

However, you do not need a car accident or some other traumatic event to start your suboccipital muscles hurting. They can become overloaded from staying in a stretched position for too long. Consequently, your suboccipital muscle tighten up from the slow-motion stress of sitting at a computer for hours a day.

Posture and the Suboccipital Muscles

Tight suboccipital muscles can push your head in front of your trunk into a “forward head” posture. However, proper posture requires you to have your head situated over your trunk, not out in front of it. Unfortunately, the “abnormal” poor posture of the forward head has become so common in our sedentary society that it has become the “normal” posture because so many of us spend most of our time in a slumped position. The research on poor posture and its relationship to headaches is mixed. In the clinic I see many, but by no means all, headaches ease up when people correct their posture. Therefore, stretch out the suboccipital muscles and straighten your posture. As a result of better posture, you can not only lighten your headache loads, but you will look younger. People will notice that you gained several inches in height when you correct your posture.

Posture and the Longus Colli and Longus Capitis Muscles

For every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. Because the suboccipital muscles push your head into a forward head position, the muscles that are designed to keep your neck over your trunk are stretched and weakened. The longus colli and longus capitis muscles are the main postural muscles in the front of your neck that can push back against overly tight suboccipitals. Therefore, regain control over these longus colli and capitis muscles, pull your head back into proper postural alignment, and you can frequently decrease your headache.

Research on the Head-Neck Muscle Relationship to Headaches

Gwendolen Jull is a phenomenal researcher who has documented how the muscles in the front of the neck affect headaches. Jull showed how achieving control over these longus colli and longus capitis muscles did reduce headaches. Her method was to have people first lie flat with a blood pressure cuff rolled up behind the neck.  Then the  person would contract the cuff in gradually increasing increments until a maximal contraction was reached. Finally, the contractions would slowly reduce until they reached baseline. Therefore, if you have a serious headache history, this approach could be the ticket for you.

How Can I Do Posture Exercises in Sitting?

Your suboccipital muscles likely have been tight for a long time. The “chin tuck” exercise repositions the neck over the trunk and consequently will stretch out the suboccipitals. However, they are extremely sensitive muscles, so you need to work them out slowly.  As a result, when you strengthen the longus colli and capitis in the front of the neck, you will stretch the suboccipitals in the back of the neck.  You should feel a light stretch in the back of the neck. However, you should feel no pain in the back of the neck. Stop immediately if the stretch feels too aggressive because you may have rebound pain later if you do not stop.

Use the following technique to gently increase the endurance and control of the longus colli and capitis and stretch the suboccipital muscles.

-First, position your head into as perfect posture position as you can.

-Secondly, place a theraband or scarf (whichever fits best) behind your head.

-Finally, pull forward with the theraband to engage the neck muscles. You will feel a gentle stretch in the back of your neck. Gentle is the operative word. Do not pull too hard!

Make sure you do not let the head drop forward.  Do not look upwards. People commonly make these mistakes. You need to look straight ahead. The neck muscles control the head position and keep the neck upright. Aim for increased control and endurance in these muscles, not just strength.

There are several ways to do this exercise. You can pull the theraband out as you breathe out, and relax the tension on the theraband as you breathe in. You can also simply hold the band in place around your head and then release it after 10-20 seconds. Repeat the holds for two to three times.

Is There Another Way to Activate the Muscles in the Front of the Neck?

If you find the theraband too awkward, try this method. Sit in your highbacked couch with a firm pillow behind your head, and push into it. Breathe out as you contract, breathe in as you relax. You can use a similar technique with a rubber ball.

Take a rubber ball, put it against the wall, and push your head back into it. Hold a neck contraction into the ball for five seconds and repeat 10 times for three sets. Use 60-80% of your maximum muscle contraction force. This method increased neck motion in a 1992 study by Axen et. al. in the Journal of Orthopedic Sports and Physical Therapy.

Do you find it too difficult in these sitting positions? Then lie on your bed or foam roll and put the theraband behind your neck. Do the same pull forward from this flat position. You may have an easier time positioning your neck and head if you are lying flat.

How Could this Technique Work in My Day-to-Day Life?

One lady I worked with had been suffering from headaches for a long time. She loved to go to the movies but hated that her headaches interfered with her enjoyment of the movies. Unfortunately, she would inevitably sink into poor posture in the movie theatre seats which would increase her headaches.  Her headaches were also triggered by the bright light of the screen. She developed an elegant solution. She took her blue theraband to the movie theatre, sat in the back row, and did the chin tuck exercise by pushing her head back into the theraband. As a result, her headaches were well-controlled which allowed her to enjoy the movies. She informed me that her light sensitivity decreased and her suboccipital muscles stayed looser.  She told me people around her in the back rows thought her exercise looked “pretty cool.”

The beauty of these techniques is that you can find out with a few minutes if your headache will respond to them. Check with your local physical therapist, get some good coaching, and you can get some very practical headache relief methods.



-You understand that if not done properly, some techniques and exercises described in this blog could harm you. Any activities you perform are at your own risk, and you expressly agree to waive any claims against the author for any harm that may arise from your own actions. By reading this blog and conducting these exercises, you accept this risk. This blog provides content related to physical and/or mental health issues. As such, your use of techniques described acts as your acceptance of this disclaimer. Consult Chapter 2 in my book, “Calming the Headache Storm” to make sure the headache is not the sign of a more serious problem. The techniques, advice and strategies contained in this blog may not be suitable for every individual and should be abandoned if your headache increases. Seek the advice of your physician.



Autumn Leaves and Allergies – Use Acupressure to Relieve Sinus Pressure

Use Acupressure to Relieve Sinus Pressure      Autumn Leaves and Allergies Fall may be your favorite season of the year. You may enjoy the fantastic foliage, football, the World Series, apple cider, hunting, hot cocoa on a crisp night…and allergies! If you suffer from migraines, fall may be your worst time of year. Many …

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Miserable Muscle Number Three – The Temporalis Muscle. This One’s the Clencher

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Miserable Muscle Number Two – The Upper Trapezius, The Stress Holder

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Miserable Muscle Number One; the Sternocleidomastoid. Part Two

Miserable Muscle Number One; the Sternocleidomastoid. Part Two

Headaches and Tight Sternocleidomastoids Go Together

The best time to come to the physical therapy clinic to be treated for a headache is when you have a headache. However, since people cannot manufacture a headache on the spot, I always offer my headache clients the option to call for an immediate appointment if they are having a headache. We can generally bring the pain down dramatically in the half-hour appointment time.

One young lady called the office with a headache she rated at 8-9/10 intensity. She came in that day. She could turn her head to the left 70 degrees on her first visit. 70 degrees neck turning is limited but not terribly so. Generally, I like to see people able to turn their heads at least 80 degrees unless they have had a neck operation or some other condition that limits their neck motion.

On this day, my client arrived with a severe headache, and could only turn her head 50 degrees to the left. She could not turn her neck further to the left because the right sternocleidomastoid muscle was preventing it. The neck motion had been lost with the onset of her headache, without her realizing it. She then used her left hand to massage her tight right sternocleidomastoid which was stopping her neck from turning left. As her neck turned more freely to the left, her headache subsided to a dull ache that she rated at 1-2/10 as her neck turned more freely to the left.

I find many people who initially get their headache better are not careful to keep their necks loose. As the neck slowly stiffens, they open themselves to another headache attack. It does require frequent attention to make sure your neck is able to freely turn. However, the reward for your attention may be an ability for you to stave off the worst of your headaches.

Sternocleidomastoid muscles can increase your jaw problem

A tight sternocleidomastoid muscle can contribute to jaw joint problems. You may have heard of the temporomandibular joint(TMJ).  You cannot open your jaw fully because your temporomandibular joint is stuck. However, I find that many of the people whose jaws are stuck often have tight sternocleidomastoid muscles, usually on the side of the worst jaw pain.  Press on the sternocleidomastoid muscle to gain a few more millimeters of opening.

You may have jaw pain when you bite down on your food.  Bite down at the same time you press the sternocleidomastoid muscle. You can now chew  easier and less painfully as long as you press the sternocleidomastoid. Remove the pressure, and the chewing pain returns.

Methods to Massage the Sternocleidomastoid

Most people use their left hand to reach the right sternocleidomastoid muscle. However, some people have difficulty getting the arm across the chest. Others find their hand strength limits their ability to massage the sternocleidomastoid. Try this other method if the arm crossover technique feels awkward to you. Use your right hand to massage the right sternocleidomastoid muscle in this case.

  • Sit next to your kitchen table, with your right elbow propped on the table, and put a pillow underneath your arm if the table is too low.
  • Turn your neck slightly to the left, with the chin tucked down.
  • Press your right knuckles or thumb on the side of your neck to work your tight right sternocleidomastoid muscle. Make sure you work the part of the muscle up towards your ear. You should feel tenderness in the sternocleidomastoid muscle but no sharp pains! Many people prefer this method and find they reach their sternocleidomastoid muscle easier this way.



-You understand that if not done properly, some techniques and exercises described in this blog could harm you. Any activities you perform are at your own risk, and you expressly agree to waive any claims against the author for any harm that may arise from your own actions. By reading this blog and conducting these exercises, you accept this risk. This blog provides content related to physical and/or mental health issues. As such, your use of techniques described acts as your acceptance of this disclaimer. Consult Chapter 2 in my book, “Calming the Headache Storm” to make sure the headache is not the sign of a more serious problem. The techniques, advice and strategies contained in this blog may not be suitable for every individual and should be abandoned if your headache increases. Seek the advice of your physician.


Miserable Muscle Number One; The Sternocleidomastoid. Treatment Part One

Miserable Muscle Number One; the Sternocleidomastoid. Part One

     Do not try to say the name of this muscle, just get control over it.

Muscle spasms can produce major headaches! The answer you need to know is which muscles are causing your headaches? How do you get those muscles to let go and give your head a rest? Once you know which muscles you can target, you can use stretches, head and neck massage and acupressure techniques. You can quiet your headache in anywhere from five to no more than fifteen minutes, without using drugs.

Not all muscles are headache-producers. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is high on your list of likely troublemakers. Do not worry if you cannot say the name if this muscle.  You will learn how to release this muscle, along with your headache, long before you ever learn how to pronounce sternocleidomastoid properly.

Why does it have such a long name?  Well, it is a long muscle.  It runs from the back if the head (mastoid), to the collarbone (cleido) and breastbone (sterno).  It is shaped like an upside-down “Y” where the two branches come together at the side of the neck.  The bad news is that it gets tight and tender very easily, sending a wave of pain through the neck, jaw and to both sides of the forehead.  The good news is that it is easier to reach than many muscles are. Look no further than this muscle to get your headache under control. It is the main cause of many headaches. 

     Are my headaches caused by my neck muscles?

Migraine headaches occur primarily in the area by the eyes, along with the front and side of the head. However, roughly 40% of people with migraines also have pain that is present in the neck, according to a study of 1,283 migraineurs. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1526-4610.2005.05185.x  

I find that when people come in with a headache co-existing with neck pain, the muscles in the neck are generally tight and tender. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is almost always one of the muscles involved in these cases. Stretch and massage your neck muscles! You can either prevent a severe headache episode or bring down the intensity of an existing headache.

You would never think that this sternocleidomastoid muscle on the side of your neck could be responsible for so much of your headache troubles. Put pressure on it or stretch it, and your headache will often fade.

     How do I use the sternocleidomastoid muscle to calm my headaches?

A woman I treated recently had been suffering from migraine headaches for years and was delighted to find that when she put pressure on the upper front third of the sternocleidomastoid muscle her headache faded away in 30 seconds. Her comment was one that I get a lot, which was “Why didn’t anyone ever show me this before?” The sternocleidomastoid massage is an easy treatment, and it is a shame countless people are suffering needlessly.

What is the best approach to do this sternocleidomastoid massage? Focus your attention to the upper half of the sternocleidomastoid muscle by the ear and downwards to the level of the base of your jaw.  The following technique can be used to increase flexibility in a right sternocleidomastoid muscle;

  • Cross your left hand across your chest.
  • Turn your neck to the left as far as you can.  The right sternocleidomastoid muscle will resist your turning your neck to the left.
  • Start putting deep pressure on the muscle, and watch your headache slowly fade. 
  • Hold the pressure for at least 30 to 60 seconds.  Will the point be tender?  Yes, it will be.  Generally, however, where there is smoke, there is fire, and if the point is tender it likely means that a beneficial result is forthcoming.  However, do not put yourself through a lot of pain to release the muscle.  You do not have to feel extreme pain since a pressure that produces medium tenderness is usually enough to get the job done.  Start up by your ear, and move slowly from point to point, as you will find of few of them embedded in the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Slowly the muscle will relax under your finger pressure. Do not go too quickly and just rub your skin.

Why do you cross over with the opposite hand, for instance, using a left hand to reach a right sternocleidomastoid muscle?  Why not just use your right hand to reach to muscle, since it is on the same side of the body?  If you look carefully at the attachments of the muscle, you will see that the sternocleidomastoid also attaches to the collarbone.  If you are using your right hand to reach up to the right sternocleidomastoid muscle, you are in fact tightening the muscle as your right shoulder hunches to reach the muscle.  Your left hand can cross over to massage the muscle without hunching the shoulder.

When I see a person with a headache who is not able to turn their head normally, I find the sternocleidomastoid is usually tight. This decreased neck motion is almost always is a contributor to the headache problem. Many clients have limitations in turning their neck both to the right and the left, with tight muscles on both sides of the neck. Tuck the chin slightly as you do the massage, and do not look up.

     When should I not treat the sternocleidomastoid?

STOP treating the sternocleidomastoid if you feel any dizziness, nausea, extremely sharp pain, or any other unpleasant effect. Make sure you stay on the muscle. Do not stray towards the front of the neck where you will encounter blood vessels and your breathing tube. Focus on the upper half of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This portion of the muscle is the part that directly affects the headache.  Do not let your hand touch the front part of your neck as you massage the muscle.

     Have you ever tried treating the sternocleidomastoid to help your headaches?

Many people are surprised that treating the sternocleidomastoid relieves their headache pain. People are used to thinking that the source of pain is where the pain is. However, that frequently is not the case. Future blogs will show you how you can treat yourself with points far away from your headache. Check with your healthcare provider to see if treating the sternocleidomastoid muscle can help you with your chronic headaches.



-You understand that if not done properly, some techniques and exercises described in this blog could harm you. Any activities you perform are at your own risk, and you expressly agree to waive any claims against the author for any harm that may arise from your own actions. By reading this blog and conducting these exercises, you accept this risk. This blog provides content related to physical and/or mental health issues. As such, your use of techniques described acts as your acceptance of this disclaimer. Consult Chapter 2 in my book, “Calming the Headache Storm” to make sure the headache is not the sign of a more serious problem. The techniques, advice and strategies contained in this blog may not be suitable for every individual and should be abandoned if your headache increases. Seek the advice of your physician. 



Mastery over Migraine

The Mastery Over Migraine blog is offered to you to give you medication-free techniques to quickly reduce your migraine headache pain.  I am a physical therapist who is passionate about helping people relieve their suffering. Many people who have been afflicted with headaches for years, even decades, can leave our clinic with a path forward with reduced headaches. I see many people who could have been spared years of misery if they just had knowledge of some conservative methods of treatment, which most people don’t even know exist.

What experience do I have to offer you to get your headaches under control? I have worked with headache specialist and in several Headache Clinics since 2004, and have learned many self-help techniques that reduce headaches on the spot.  I completed a Physical Therapy Doctorate in 2014 with my elective emphasis on headache reduction. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1986 and completed two post-graduate certifications in the late 1990s, one as a Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy practitioner, and the other as an Orthopedic Certified Specialist. I have also learned some acupuncture and acupressure techniques while in China.  I see every week how these pressure points can be used quite efficiently to help headache sufferers.  Indeed, in most cases, if you come into our clinic with a headache, you will leave the appointment with at least half of the headache gone.  You will also learn about simple lifestyle changes that can be used to keep your headaches from escalating. You will achieve a sense of control over your headaches you may have never had before.

I read on blogs about all the struggles people go through with their headaches, and I would like to share many of the techniques that have helped so many people, and I hope they will help you, too. This blog is meant to have readers share their own natural treatments that have been helpful to them. Comments accepted here are meant to be supportive and helpful, and any offensive or demeaning comments about another person’s suffering will be deleted. All comments that are spam and unrelated to the goal of headache reduction will be deleted.

There will also be no pharmaceutical information shared. nor will we be discussing herbal remedies.  There are certainly excellent medications available to help control headaches, and you should always be in close communication with your doctor before you adjust the dosage or frequency of the medications.  The natural techniques I will be sharing must not conflict with any advice your doctor has given.  We will also not be discussing herbal remedies.  Herbal remedies, while useful for some people, should not be taken randomly as they have side effects as well, and should be vetted by your doctor as they may not be right for every person’s medical condition.

My motivation is a simple one. I want to share what I’ve learned in order to help as many people as possible get their headaches better, and in so doing improve the quality of their relationships, work environment, and general daily life.