What is the “Tiger’s Mouth?”
Take your thumb and four fingers and separate them. You are now opening “the mouth” of the tiger. This opening of your fingers and thumbs allows you to apply pressure to the Large Intestine 4 acupoint between your thumb and forefinger. Chinese acupuncturists also name this point Hegu, otherwise known as “converging valley.”
The term “Tiger’s Mouth” refers to an alternate name for Large Intestine 4, one of the most important acupoints in the whole body. People who know anything about acupuncture generally know that this point reduces headaches. Realize that this point with the several names is a key point in your body that provides important benefits beyond headache reduction.
My clients observe far-reaching effects of this point in the Tiger’s Mouth. I ask my clients, which term is more endearing; “Tiger’s Mouth” or “Large Intestine 4”? They have provided a unanimous response so far in favor of “Tiger’s Mouth”.
Use the names Large Intestine 4 (LI 4), Hegu, and Tiger’s Mouth interchangeably, which we do in this article. You will find numerous articles and studies about this acupoint. Frontiers in Neuroscience has an in-depth article on the brain affects that result from stimulating the Hegu Point.
Why Might the “Tiger’s Mouth” be so Powerful?
No one knows precisely why this point manifests its effects on the body. On a simplistic level, this point connects solidly to the nervous system. Years ago, a doctor wondered where the point was that I used to benefit one of his clients. I described the location of Large Intestine 4. He exclaimed, “That’s the terminal branch of the radial nerve!” If you apply pressure deep into the Tiger’s Mouth point you can also reach the median nerve.
Consider the three nerves which traverse their way out of your neck and end in your hand: the radial, the median, and the ulnar nerve. So, this Tiger’s Mouth point can stimulate two of the three nerves. Recognize that the third nerve, the ulnar nerve, goes right over your funny bone, and really hurts if you smack your elbow on something. However, this ulnar nerve branches to the ring and little finger, away from the Tiger’s Mouth.
Logically, you can realize how the connections of these nerves to the structures of your head, neck, and shoulder can affect symptoms there. However, you can feel widespread effects far beyond the direct connections to these nerves. We will explore some of these more distant connects in the next blog.
How Do I Use this Point Again?
First, open the Tiger’s Mouth in your hand. Secondly, slide your opposite hand into the Tiger’s Mouth. Next, use either your index, middle or ring finger to apply pressure to the point. Reinforce the point by putting another finger over the contact finger if you can. Finally, just rub the point in a circular fashion for about 30 seconds. Press no longer than 60 seconds.
A common application error occurs when a person uses their thumb to apply pressure. The thumb covers “the converging valley” where the Large Intestine 4 point is located. If you turn your thumb sideways you can find the point. However, you will find the flat portion of your thumb too big to properly zero in on your target point.
What Can I Expect to See When I Press the “Tiger’s Mouth?’”
You can discern effects within the 60-second timespan. Do you have a frontal headache? Feel it melt away in less than a minute. Your eye pain nags you. Your eye pain lightens up in short order as the point is pressed. Do you have shoulder pain? Feel pressure in the shoulder ease up with sustained pressure on your hand. Do you lack power and motion in your shoulder? You will notice a sudden ability to raise your arm up higher with more power. Are your jaw muscles near your temporomandibular joint sore and stiffened up? You may find your jaw pain subsides which allows you to open your mouth easier.
Always establish a baseline ability before you apply pressure. I like to see immediate change when I use acupressure. Be it headache pain reduction, spine, jaw or extremity motion increase or a jump in power it must happen fast.
Consequently, both you or your client can detect a change that can only have come from the acupressure. When change happens in less than 60 seconds, you can only attribute the change to the acupressure. If change does not occur, we move on to another treatment with minimal time lost.
Understand that the results of acupressure are often spectacular. However, also realize that numerous conditions will not respond readily. For instance, if you have a galloping migraine or an inflamed, torn rotator cuff, you likely will see meager benefit. However, many other conditions respond very well to Tiger’s Mouth treatment.
Do Not Use Large Intestine 4 Acupressure Point If You Are Pregnant!!!
Most articles discussing Large Intestine 4 states that one purpose for the point is for “delayed labor.” In other words, if you are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, avoid this point!
Acupuncturists utilize the point for abdominal pain and for menstrual issues. LI 4 seems to cause relaxation in the abdominal area. Of course, you do not want this effect prematurely if you are with child!
Consequently, even though the Tiger’s Mouth point is usually distant from the area of your trouble, it has a wide-ranging reach throughout your entire body.
–You understand that if not done properly, some techniques and exercises described in this blog could harm you. Any activities you perform are at your own risk, and you expressly agree to waive any claims against the author for any harm that may arise from your own actions. By reading this blog and conducting these exercises, you accept this risk. This blog provides content related to physical and/or mental health issues. As such, your use of techniques described acts as your acceptance of this disclaimer.
-Consult Chapter 2 in my book, “Calming the Headache Storm” to make sure the headache is not the sign of a more serious problem. The techniques, advice and strategies contained in this blog may not be suitable for every individual and should be abandoned if your headache increases. Seek the advice of your physician.